Wednesday, April 28, 2010


remember the good ol' days? today i discussed Powerpuff Girls with two of my guy friends. moments later i was engulfed in a debacle over Power Rangers.(which were boys? which were girls? which was the best?..does it even matter?. . .the blue one. the blue one is the best. so there.)

Myself-- "i have something of yours.."

Quinton--"Harpie's Brother?", this was in reference to a Yugio card left in a book he had borrow a few months ago..

Myself-- "How'd you guess?!?"

Quinton--"It was my favorite Yugio card.. and my book mark."

you see? Nostalgia is one of those things you never quite out grow.. think about it.. Sega, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Kart, 98*..

Nostalgia is timeless :)

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I was little, and my cousins always made me be Trini (the pink ranger.) I wanted to be Tommy or Billy, the red or the blue ranger.
    Never have quite gotten over it after all these years....
